Pierre Vallauri

Painting, sculpture on bronze, terracotta, optical art, tapestry… Pierre Vallauri is a multiple artist. Born in 1945 in Marseille, he studied drawing and architecture at the Beaux-Arts. Involved in the local cultural life, he was president of an association, director of the Arteum museum in Châteauneuf-le-rouge, exhibition curator… Established in Jouques, he continues to explore new techniques in his workshop full of works.

In Charleval, he shows a whole part of his work through his washi creations, this ancestral Japanese paper registered on the list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity. From this discovery was born a series of colored shapes evoking the game of Mikado. Alongside them, other works made with blotting paper, Lignes de froissage ou des Preuves du feu left by the flame of a candle licking the end of a finely chiselled paper. Creations that lend themselves to the play of light and shadow.

Season of heaven

17 juillet



Château Charleval accueille l’exposition « Seasons of heaven », qui réunit les deux artistes, Aurélia Rocher et Joanna Cutri. Céramiques et toiles contemporaines se répondent et questionnent notre lien à la Mémoire et la Nature.